Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April 3 2013 a day to remember in English

Well today in my English class we had a story we were supposed to read by Dr. Seuss called "Butter Battle Book" this story much like all of his stories have a deeper  meaning. This one we chalked up to be about war and the effect it has has one its surroundings. This conversation led to a whole slew of sub topics. The one that stood out most to me was "open mindedness." This phrase by its self is a confusing and difficult phrase. My definition of being open minded is knowing and trusting what you believe but being willing to at least listen to the opinion of others with the intent to learn. Everyone can claim to be open minded but there are very few that actually are. I sometimes claim to be open minded but as i think about it i realize that I'm not. Lol as they say" the first step is admitting you have a problem. " I will listen to your thoughts and beliefs but at the same time I most likely won't take anything away from the conversation. I also believe it doesn't work when the two opposing thoughts try to bang their beliefs into each others head. Part of debating is listening because if u always want to have the final say and don't let your opposition get a word in edge wise neither one of you will learn anything because eventually they will shut you loud obnoxious self out. Well i guess i learned a lot about  myself all before 9 o'clock in the morning. Classes like this are the classes that make me happy I chose to take  Mr.Sweeney again this semester.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your definition of "open mindedness" and I too admit that I am not always as open minded as I claim to be. However I do enjoy debating; its the best way to learn someone else's opinion and find other ways of looking at things that I, myself, had not thought of. This morning was fun and I am looking forward to that other readings.
